Financial Services Guide

Trade Radar Pty Ltd is an Authorised Representative (No. 001312412) of Equity Analyst Pty Ltd AFSL 534455 - Trade Radar Pty Ltd (TR)

Financial Services Guide (FSG)

Financial Services Guide (FSG)

  1. This Financial Services Guide (“FSG”) is issued by Trade Radar Pty Ltd (AFS Representative Number 001312412). In this FSG, Trade Radar Pty Ltd will be referred to as “We”, “Us”, or “Our”.

  2. Our contact details are as follows: Equity Analyst Pty Ltd. E-mail:

  3. This FSG has been given to you to inform you about Our products and services and the fees we may charge. It is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use any of the services that we offer. This FSG contains information about remuneration that may be paid to us and any other relevant persons concerning Our services. It also contains information about how complaints about us are dealt with.

  4. You may provide instructions to us: (1) by way of Our website,; or (2) by way of an e-mail to

  5. We are an authorized representative of Equity Analyst Pty Ltd (Licence Number 534455). The contact details of Equity Analyst Pty Ltd are: Emails: Write to: Equity Analyst Pty Ltd 12 Winsham Rd, Karrinyup, Western Australia 6018. Equity Analyst Pty Ltd has authorized us to distribute this FSG.

  6. We are authorized by Equity Analyst Pty Ltd to provide the following financial services on its behalf:

    • Provide general financial product advice for the following classes of financial products:

      • Deposit and payment products are limited to basic deposit products.

      • Securities.

    • Deal in a financial product by:

      • Applying for, acquiring, varying, or disposing of a financial product on behalf of another person in respect of securities; to retail and wholesale clients.

  7. Equity Analyst Pty Ltd acts for itself when financial services are provided on its behalf by us.

  8. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the services provided, please contact us, and Your complaint will be dealt with in accordance with Our internal dispute resolution procedures. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of Your complaint, please contact: Mr. Steve Carlsson Company Director Email Write to: Equity Analyst Pty Ltd 12 Winsham Rd, Karrinyup, Western Australia 6018. Your complaint and its outcome will then be reviewed by Equity Analyst Pty Ltd in accordance with its internal dispute resolution procedures. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of Our and Equity Analysts Pty Ltd’s internal dispute resolution procedures, you may make a complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. Its contact details are as follows: T: 1800 931 678 W: E: Mail: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

  9. Equity Analyst Pty Ltd holds professional indemnity insurance, which satisfies the requirements for compensation arrangements under s912B of the Corporations Act.

  10. With respect to the financial services provided by us, you will pay a subscription fee as detailed at Our directors, officers, and employees are remunerated by way of a salary. We may, from time to time, pay dividends to the shareholders of Equity Analyst Pty Ltd.

  11. Please note that we will only provide general financial product advice to you. This means that Our advice will not take account of Your particular objectives, financial situation, and needs, and we will not provide a statement of advice to you. We do not provide personal or tailored financial advice. In particular, we will not: (1) provide advice about whether you should buy or sell a financial product (such as a share) that takes account of Your objectives, financial situation, or needs; (2) provide any advice about the volume of a financial product (such as a share) that you should buy or sell; or (3) provide advice about any aspect of the management of a portfolio of assets held by you or a single investment. For example, as to whether it would be prudent for you to sell a particular asset that forms part of Your portfolio or whether it would be prudent to alter the allocation of assets within Your portfolio.

Copyright Trade Radar Pty Ltd 2022 ABN 95681697030 Authorised Representative No. 001312412

Last updated

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